
I am a Black male, clinical psychologist, professor, author, speaker, and advocate for marginalized populations.

This website is designed to empower others through education and advocacy. My goal is to provide information and insight that will offer encouragement and support while challenging our views about marginalized individuals.

The values that guide my social media content are the following:

Access: I strive to translate the often complex concepts in academia into an understandable format that individuals can apply to their daily lives.

Encouragement: I strive to create a space that will offer hope and inspiration to those individuals seeking to be their best selves.

Collaboration: Given my education and experience, I have expertise in a couple of areas (e.g., Black male psychology). However, there is so much we can learn together through a mutual sharing of thoughts, ideas, and information. I would like to foster such a space on this website.

Respect: We are all on our own journey’s to be the best version of ourselves we can be. I hope to honor your experience on this website.

Interesting: I strive to provide content on this website that is thoughtful and engaging and will help you gain new insight.

The material on this site reflects only my personal views and not those of my employer or any other group with which I am associated.


I am the Chief Diversity Officer for Spalding University and an Associate Professor in the Spalding University’s School of Professional Psychology. I am also the coordinator for the Collective Care Center which is one of the few racial trauma clinics in the country. I received my doctorate and master’s degree in clinical psychology from Spalding University where I specialized in child, adolescent, and family therapy.

I completed my post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School. I also have a Master’s in Public administration from Wright State University.

My area of expertise is research and clinical work with Black males. Specifically, my work focuses on understanding and developing culturally appropriate interventions for Black male psychopathology as well as barriers to academic success for this population.

Additionally, I conduct research and clinical work on the challenges related to the experience of racial trauma. Specifically, I have developed a treatment protocol for the experience of racial trauma and train clinicians in the implementation of the protocol.

As an educational consultant, I have worked internationally with students and school administrators in South Africa and India. I also serve as an organizational diversity consultant and work with law enforcement departments on addressing conflicts between communities of color and police officers.

Some of my books and works in progress include: “Knowledge of Self: Understanding the Mind of the Black male,” “Out of KOS (Knowledge of Self): Black male psychopathology and its treatment, ” and “Black males and the Criminal Justice System.”

Thank you for your engagement and support!

Steven D Kniffley Jr., PsyD, MPA, ABPP

This website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute clinical advice or treatment. If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.

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All views, posts and opinions are my own unless they are quotes or links. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the author with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.